Sénégal de Fontaine
Amazing bloodlines
- Top five at the Danish Warmblood 35-day performance test
Just as much a dancing master under saddle as in hand. Sénégal de Fontaine, who combines the most powerful lines of the stallions of the century Donnerhall, Rubinstein, Ferro and Sandro Hit, was also convincing in all respects at his 35-day performance test in Denmark and ranked fifth in the competition with a total of 828.5 points.
At his licensing in Danish Warmblood in 2024, he also impressed the judges, who had the following commentes: "Sénégal de Fontaine is of exceptionally good type and has an appropriate degree of nobility. He is tall with a well-shaped, well-set neck and a well-defined withers. His walk is exceptionally good, rhythmic, energetic, and spacious. The trot is spacious, balanced, with good functionality, and the canter is spacious, energetic, and well-balanced. The stallion is very rideable and works energetically and willingly."
Sénégal de Fontaine is a son of Andreas Helgstrands/DEN international Grand Prix winner Queenparks Wendy. In 2019, the Sezuan daughter won bronze at the World Championships for five-year-old dressage horses. In 2021, she placed sixth in the final for seven-year-old dressage horses. In 2023, she also won the Grand Prix Freestyle in Aalborg/DEN and placed in the World Cup Freestyle in Herning/DEN and Stuttgart. Her son Ferdinand de Fontaine (by Franklin) has also already been licensed. He was a premium stallion in Mecklenburg in 2022.
His dam's sire Sezuan was world champion for young dressage horses at the age of five, six and seven and is undoubtedly one of the most sought-after dressage stallions of our time. Under his trainer Dorothee Schneider, he also won international competitions up to Inter I. He has since been trained up to Grand Prix level with the help of Patrik Kittel/SWE. The Danish Champion Stallion, record HPL winner, Danish Dressage Horse Champion, Elite Stallion and Stallion of the Year in Denmark also dominates the breeding scene. He produced the two-time record HPL winner Sezuan's Donnerhall, the two-time premium stallion, HPL winner, Bundeschampion, winner of the four-year-old competition at the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses and now successful at advanced (S) level under Isabell Werth So Unique, the Vice World Champion of Young Dressage Horses and Bundeschampion Secret and Joshua, who was also placed by Isabell Werth in inter-dressage competitions, to name just a few highlights.
From the Danish Trakehner mare family O274 Venus vom Schimmelhof 652 come the Danish Champion Mare, Dressage Horse Championess and Dressage Horse World Championship fourth-placed Valerie B (by Revolution), the winner of the Aage Ravns Challenge Cup and Elite Stallion Rambo (by. Racot), the also licensed stallions Vanguard (by Hunnenkönig) and Vasco (by Traum), the international Grand Prix dressage horse Lux Stensvang (by Lobster)/Sean Sierra Keasler/USA and the two elite mares Viola Stensvang (by Solos Landtinus) and Vanessa Stensvang (by Lobster).
Out of the foundation mare, dressage horse champion and dressage horse world championship fourth Valerie B
- Skovens Rafael - De Niro - RohdiamantHorses.DetailPage.Birth: 2014 | Horses.DetailPage.Height: 171 cm | Horses.DetailPage.Colour: Chestnut1.300 Horses.DetailPage.Currency.DKK.Short + Horses.DetailPage.Vat
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