
Triumph at the Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing: Viva Vegas Danish Warmblood Champion Stallion 2024 and Straight Horse Leonardo winner of Aage Ravn’s Trophy 2024

marts 7. 2024

We are thrilled to announce that this year's Danish Warmblood Champion Stallion for 4-year-olds is none other than our Viva Vegas. Together with his rider, Mette Sejbjerg Jensen, Viva Vegas has developed tremendously and won his 35-day test in Danish Warmblood in the fall of 2023 with an impressive 892 points, and now the title of Champion Stallion, which the judges awarded with the following reasoning:

Viva Vegas is an impressive performance stallion with great frame and suitable stallion type. He has a high-set neck with a long well-placed shoulder. The stallion has shown himself to be well-tempered with exceptionally good ridability. He is easily adjustable and moves with great willingness and positive energy. He has a rhythmic, supple, and energetic walk. The trot is supple and ground covering with good shoulder freedom, action, and ability to carry, and the canter is likewise very regular, well-balanced with a really nice suppleness and uphill tendency.

Viva Vegas is by Viva Gold x Rock Forever I and he was bred by ZG Bürgers, Anette & Simon Bürgers.

We are equally proud that the honor of Aage Ravn’s Trophy for the best Danish-bred 4-year old stallion in Danish Warmblood was awarded to Straight Horse Leonardo, who was also awarded the Breeder's Silver Medal.

Our talented rider, Mette Sejbjerg Jensen, has also played a significant role in Leonardo's amazing development, which resulted in a second-place finish at his 35-day test in Danish Warmblood in 2023 with 844.5 points and now this great achievement, which the judges awarded with the following comment:

"Straight Horse Leonardo is a very well-proportioned, harmonious, and appropriately noble stallion of excellent type. He is well-built with a well-shaped neck and has a particularly handsome stallion expression. Under rider, we have seen him well-balanced with a positive attitude, good energy, and excellent rideability. The walk is particularly good, rhythmic, and ground covering. The trot is very good and supple, well-balanced, and the canter is also well-balanced and ground covering with a good uphill tendency."

Leonardo is by Lord Europe x Di Niro and bred by Straight Horse Aps, who we also co-own Leonardo with.

Together with Viva Vegas and Straight Horse Leonard, additionally 7 of our stallion were finally graded for breeding in Danish Warmblood:

Globall by Global Player x Fürstenball - ridden by Leonie Richter and bred by Arnold Wegbuender.

The judges' comments:
 "Globall is a large-framed, high-set, slightly compact stallion, with a long sloping shoulder and a well-defined crest, a well-formed muscular croup. He has shown a particularly good temperament. He is easy to ride and has a very good rhythmical and spacious walk. The trot is supple, energetic, and spacious. The canter is rhythmic, balanced, and easily adjustable."

Galaxico by Grand Galaxy Win x Samarant – ridden by Maria Anita Andersen and bred by Willem Klausing GbR.

The judges' comments:
"Galaxico is a harmonious and high-set stallion with appropriately sized body parts. He has a sufficiently long arched neck and a well-shaped topline. The stallion works energetically and willingly under the rider with a rhythmic and particularly spacious walk. The trot is spacious, adjustable, and with good freedom of the elbow, and the canter is spacious, energetic, and well-balanced."

Proud James by Jameson RS2 x Johnson – ridden by Maxi Kira von Platen and bred by Y.M.M. van Maasacker.

The judges' comments:
"Proud James is a harmonious and appealing stallion of exceptionally good type and with a good stallion format. He has a long, sloping shoulder and a well-shaped, slightly short but very functional and supple topline. He has a rhythmic, spacious, and energetic walk. The trot is supple, powerful, with good shoulder freedom and action in the hind legs. The canter is incredibly well-balanced, spacious, with great shoulder freedom and good natural carriage."

Sénégal de Fontaine by Springbank VH II x Sezuan – ridden by Pia Thomsen and bred by Château de Fontaine.

The judges' comments:
"Sénégal de Fontaine is of exceptionally good type and has an appropriate degree of nobility. He is tall with a well-shaped, well-set neck and a well-defined withers. His walk is exceptionally good, rhythmic, energetic, and spacious. The trot is spacious, balanced, with good functionality, and the canter is spacious, energetic, and well-balanced. The stallion is very rideable and works energetically and willingly."

Opoque by All at Once x Davino V.O.D. – ridden by Mette Sejbjerg Jensen and bred by Stal 104 BV

The judges' comments:
"Opoque is a powerful functional stallion with a long and well-defined wither. He has a strong and well-functioning topline. His walk is practical, rhythmic, and energetic. The trot is spacious, bouncy, and active with great elbow freedom, and the canter is spacious, well-balanced, and uphill with good carriage."

One to Remember by Secret x Vivaldi – ridden by Eric Guardia Martinez and bred by B. Lichtendahl and B.H.J. Peper.

The judges' comments:
"One to Remember is a high-set and powerful stallion with a masculine expression. He is well-defined and has a suitably long and well-formed croup. The stallion has shown exceptionally good rideability during the performance test. He has a steady, spacious, and energetic walk. The trot is adjustable and spacious, with good swing and carrying power. The canter is spacious with exceptionally good balance and uphill tendency."

And Parero by Glock’s Toto Jt. X Negro – ridden Merita Hagren and bred by T. Bergmans

The judges' comments:
"Parero is a large-framed and high-set stallion with a strong stallion expression. His neck is well-arched with a good connection between head and neck, and he has a long shoulder and a well-formed croup. He is adjustable and rideable. His walk is steady, supple, and energetic, and he trots spaciously with great freedom of the elbow, knee action, and canters exceptionally spacious and well-balanced with a good uphill tendency."

What an honor – a big thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. We couldn't have done it without you.