
Stallion Team Denmark

In our Danish stallion team, it is our Stallion Station Manager, Lene Birkemose, who handles all orders on a daily basis during the breeding season and also serves as one of our breeding advisors. Additionally, we have Biel Torres Sogas, Frederik Klemmesen, Thomas Follesa, and Vibeke Larsen, who are responsible for collecting semen from the stallions and preparing it in the laboratory. All four of them are dedica...

Stallion Team Germany

Our German stallion team consists of Michael Schmidt,Sebastian Morales, and Nadine Elbrecht, who handle semen collection and preparation at our German stallion station at Helgstrand Germany in Syke. Michael also serves as one of our breeding advisors. All three are experienced specialists in breeding and always ensure the highest quality.

Paul Schockemöhle and Helgstrand Dressage

In 2018, Helgstrand Dressage and Paul Schockemöhle initiated a partnership between their two stallion stations.

This partnership ensures breeders access to some of the world's very best stallions. Thanks to an extensive network of distributors, Helgstrand Dressage and Paul Schockemöhle can ensure that customers, both nationally and internationally, have access to both cooled and fro...

Avlsrådgivning Helgstrand Dressage

Excellent breeding advice

Our goal is to provide breeders with the best service and guidance to ensure the best match for their mares. That is why we always are ready to provide breeding advice through our team of breeding experts, which includes Lene Birkemose, Esben Møller, Michael Schmidt, and Hanke Ostermann.

Stallion Team

Biel Torres Sogas
Stallion Station Assistant DK
Vibeke Larsen
Stallion Station Assistant DK
Thomas Follesa
Stallion Station Assistant DK
Michael Schmidt
Stallion Station DE
Sebastian Morales
Stallion Station Assistant DE
Nadine Elbrecht
Stallion Station DE
Hanke Ostermann
Breeding Consultant DE
Lene Birkemose
Stallion Station Manager DK