Champion stallion, premium stallion, dressage horse world championship finalist, Bundschampion
Be Sure has become one of the most sought-after breeding stallions in Denmark after consistently producing modern-type foals with excellent gaits. Many of his offspring have sold for substantial prices, topped by Bijou, the foal that changed hands at the SWB Elite Foal Auction in Flyinge/SWE for an impressive 67,000 euros.
Be Sure’s status as an exceptional sire is substantiated by his competition track record. With Eva Möller in the saddle he won the German National Championships for Six-Year-Old Dressage Horses with a total score of 8.74. The judges praised the excellent quality of his basic gaits, his rideability (8.8) and the overall harmony of the presentation (9.0). Prior to that he proved unbeatable at the Hanoverian Championships (receiving scores of 9.0 for canter, 8.8 for trot and 8.5 for overall impression.
As a five-year-old, he took with Thomas Sigtenbjerggaard/DEN eleventh place in the WBFSH World Breeding Dressage Championship for Young Horses final in Ermelo/NED with over 80 percent and stands also in the final of the Danish Championships. Be Sure was a premium stallion in Hanover and Denmark and was named DWB champion stallion in 2022. Under Mette Sejbjerg Jensen/DEN, he received the highest rideability score of 9.4 at the Danish Dressage Horse Championships and was also rewarded with top scores and silver for his perspective (9.3) and basic gaits (trot and canter 9.0, walk 8.7). Be Sure had previously completed his stallion performance test in Denmark as second reserve winner. He received a 9.0 for trot, canter, rideability and performance.
His sire Benicio, 2011 Bundeschampion of six-year-old dressage horses, achieved victories up to Grand Prix level with Jessica Lynn Thomas/SWE. His more than 30 licensed sons include the Oldenburg champion stallion and advanced-level competition horse Bonds/Beatrice Hoffrogge as well as the reserve champion By my Dancer. Ballando/Katie Duerhammer/USA is successful at Grand Prix level. Bonfire Heart GH/Saskia Lieben-Seutter has Inter II-placings and Bosco has Inter I placings and Bonfire/Kira Goerens-Ripphoff has Inter I victories. With Baroness Bibi, Benicio produced the 2021 National and Westphalian riding horse champion and the Westphalian champion mare, that also took fourth place at the 2023 National Dressage Horse Championships.
The dam, Hanoverian premium mare Susi Sorglos, was champion mare at the Hanoverian show in Großenwörden and placed at the Herwart von der Decken show (Ib) in 2017.
Damsire Scuderia was reserve champion at the 2012 Oldenburg spring licensing and competed in international young horse dressage competitions with Selina Söder. Four of his sons have been licensed, including the successful advanced-level competition horse Sapperlot VMT/Anja Wernitznig. Saint Jordi/Matthias Alexander Rath won in series international Small Tour competitions.
The granddam state premium mare Lady Laurie is full sister to the licensed stallion Le Louvre. She was also successful at the Herwart von der Decken show (Ic) and named best halfblood mare in Elmlohe in 2008 and 2009.
Three generations back in the pedigree is thoroughbred and dressage line founder Lauries Crusador xx.
The Stade dam line of Sabimara also produced the stallion Fortunato H2O (by Floriscount), who was licensed in the USA, Amascio (by Amateur), Donar Weiss GGF (by De Niro) and numerous sport horses, including the 2013 European Championship individual silver medal winner in Vejer de la Frontera/POR, Guayana. Many premium mares, such as the winner of the 1994 European Show in Brussels/BEL, state premium mare Galaxy, and numerous auction horses are also descendend from this line.
Numerous expensive auction foals
Danish Warmblood Elite Foal Show
- Bellini V - Be Sure x Janeiro Platinum
Breeder: Ole Christensen
Final ring
Danish Warmblood Elite Foal Show
- Stærkjærs Diva – Be Sure x Tailormade Temptation
Breeder: Stutteri Stærkjær
Reached the final
- Florina Guldbjerg – Be Sure x Rockefeller
Breeder: Henning Stuhr Petersen