True Hope PS
A truly fantastic genetic combination
- Closely related to the two legends Weihegold and Totilas
- The maternal grandfather is the great breeding stallion Fürstenball
A promise for the future!
This youngster seduces with his modernity, his basic paces and his fantastic genetic combination - the ideal offer for ambitious breeders. True Hope PS is true to his name.
His sire, Total Hope, who is the result of the crossing of the World Champion Totilas with the team Olympic Champion Weihegold OLD, began his career as Champion of his Swedish licensing, dressage champion and finalist as a six-year-old and bronze medallist as a seven-year-old at the World Championships for young dressage horses. He won the Nuremberg Burg Cup in 2019 and the Louisdor Prize in 2021 with his trainer Isabel Freese/NOR, something that no other stallion in the long history of the two most important young horse competitions had ever achieved before. His first Grand Prix season followed in 2022, including participation in the World Championship in Herning/DEN. In 2023, he took tenth place in the European Championship Freestyle in Riesenbeck - and with a new personal best of 82.593 percent. This also secured him a ticket for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris/FRA.
With Royal Hope G OLD, Total Hope produced the 2023 Oldenburg Champion Mare, who also won the gold medal at the Regional Championships and the silver medal at the German Championships under the saddle of Tanja Fischer. Several of his sons were licensed. Furstepoppel/Emma Ahlberg/SWE took part in the World Championships for five-year-old dressage horses in Verden. Total Target, already placed internationally in competitions for young dressage horses, was one of the top bids at the P.S.I. Auction.
His dam, Fürstin-Look PS, was victorious in competitions for young riding horses and was placed in competitions for young dressage horses.
His dam’s sire, Fürstenball, was Champion of the Oldenburg licensing, Champion of his stallion performance test, Oldenburg main premium winner, German and Oldenburg Regional Champion, finalist at the World Championships, victorious up to Prix St. Georges level, VTV dressage stallion, number one of the FN breeding valuation, Danish Elite Stallion and Stallion of the Year in Denmark. He is currently placed 14th in the WBFSH ranking of the world’s best dressage sires. He has produced numerous offspring who are successful in Grand Prix, amongst whom Heiline’s Danciera/Carina Cassøe Krüth/DEN, World Champion by team, placed fourth by team and seventh individually at the Olympics and team bronze medallist at the European Championships, particularly stands out. The five German Champions, Fürsten-Look, Festina PS, Fior, Feingefühl and Feine Bella appear amongst his offspring who are successful in championships. Fürsten-Look, Champion stallion and one of almost 100 licensed sons of Fürstenball, took third place in the Burg Cup final with Isabel Freese/NOR. He has produced around 300 premium daughters, amongst whom the two Oldenburg Champion Mares Fiesta Danza OLD and Fünf Sterne as well as the Hanoverian Champion Mare Fine Lady particularly stand out.
Trakehner mare family T7A Kassette (Trakehnen Stud), from which descend over 60 licensed stallions, including the licensing winners Don Kennedy (by Donnerhall) and K 2 (by Stradivari), as well as Fairplay (by Frühlingsball), Nashville v/d Nethe (by Secret), Kaiser Wilhelm (by Lehndorff’s), Kentucky (by Donaufels), Kandelus (by Kaiserkult), Key West (by Stradivari), Dannebrog (by Don Schufro), Zoom (by Zack), Kafka (by Elimcal xx), Kantor II (by Erzsand), Kairos TSF (by Leonardo), Kantadou (by Beg xx), Kadre Noir (by Upan La Jarthe AA), Kleostro (by Herzbube), Kaiserwalzer (by Consul), Kampfgeist (by Traumgeist), Kapitän (by Impuls), Kapriolan F (by Exclusiv), Kapuccino (by Mozart), Karneol (by Impuls), Karneval (by Ibikus), Karo As (by Vollkorn xx), Karon (by Arogno), Kaspar (by Pergamos), Kassiber (by Ibikus), Kassio (by Abglanz), Kassius (by Impuls), Kastilio (by Ibikus), Kastor (by Pergamos), Komponist (by Tipperary) and Kostolany (by Enrico Caruso), and numerous Trakehner champion mares.
From the legendary Trakehner mare family of Kassette
- Total Hope - Fürstenball - Sir Donnerhall IHorses.DetailPage.Birth: 2021 | Horses.DetailPage.Height: 168 cm | Horses.DetailPage.Colour: Black | Horses.DetailPage.Location.Short: Germany800 Horses.DetailPage.Currency.DKK.Short + Horses.DetailPage.Vat