
When dreams do come true

august 18. 2023

Most people remember Lorenzo. The big, charming chestnut gelding who truly found a place in everyone's mind and many hearts after his and Severo Jurado Lopez's fantastic performance at the Olympics in Rio in 2016. There, they achieved an amazing individual 5th place after a "smooth" dance in the Freestyle, which was so spot on that they were highlighted in a segment on James Corden's The Late Late Show. Lorenzo ranked 1st in James Corden's 'Power Rankings - Olympics' under the name "Lorenzo the Dancing Horse," earning cheers from both the host and the audience. And if a dressage horse makes it into such a famous TV show, there must be something truly special about that horse.

Lorenzo is something truly unique. Everyone around him knows it. Severo began riding him in 2015 when he arrived at Helgstrand as a 9-year-old, and he had that special feeling right from the start. And it held true when, after only 6 months of partnership, they delivered their impressive performance at the Olympics. It's not just his abilities, but also his distinctive personality and appearance. He always loved all the attention he received, Severo has stated.

It's not just Lorenzo's rider who views him as an exceptional horse. His grooms do as well. Especially Line Thestrup Clausen had a very special bond with Lorenzo. She formed a unique connection with him right from the beginning – after getting to know him. According to Line, you really have to get under his skin first, but once you've won his heart, he gives so much love, is always seeking contact, and just wants to be in your company. "He's simply a very special horse with a lot of personality and charisma, and he's a very intelligent horse that fully trusts his rider," says Line.

Line was Lorenzo's groom for two years here at Helgstrand before moving on to another job, but she never forgot him and always dreamt of being reunited with him. And that dream came true this week – dreams do come true from time to time.

This week, Line welcomed Lorenzo home, where he will enjoy his well-deserved retirement with her. "It's an absolutely fantastic opportunity and a dream I didn't dare to hope for, which has come true – everyone just wants what's best for him," Line says with great joy in her voice.
Lorenzo is now 18 years old, and he'll spend the rest of his life with Line, which will consist of lots of turnout time and forest rides. And Line, who is a former show jumper herself, will also continue his "casual jumping career," which he started with his former groom, our faithful Helgstrand Groom, Mikkala.

There's no doubt that Lorenzo is going to have a dream retirement, and if you ask Line, he's already smiling – which he certainly can do.