
Celebrating Success at the U.S. Dressage Festival for Champions 2023

august 28. 2023

As we wrap up the thrilling U.S. Dressage Festival for Champions, it's time to look back at the awesome performances that lit up the arena, courtesy of both our fantastic Helgstrand riders and horses.

Let's kick things off with Nora Batchelder and her beautiful mare Nova, a shining four-legged gem from Helgstrand. Together they delivered one show-stopping performance after another. Despite their relatively short time together, they blew everyone away, landing a solid 2nd place and nabbing the silver in the thrilling U.S. Intermediare Championships (top photo).

Charlotte Jorst took on the challenge with two horses purchased from Helgstrand, Zhaplin Langholt and Federle, in the Intermediare Championship. Their hard work paid off big time – she clinched the Inter I Freestyle victory with Zhaplin and locked in a well-deserved bronze in the U.S. Intermediare championships. With Federle she showed their stuff too, grabbing a solid 5th place in the Intermediare Championships.

Our General Manager at Helgstrand USA, Lars Petersen, also had great rides in the Prix St. Georges Championships for Developing Horses. He competed with two horses, Giovanni Bell and S-Express. With Giovanni Bell, he secured a 2nd place, among other achievements. Overall, he finished in 10th place with Giovanni Bell and 11th place with S-Express.

Mackenzie Peer, another shining star at Helgstrand USA, had her hands full with three young horses, but she delivered the goods. With Baileys On Ice she securing a solid 8th place among the top 5-year-old dressage horses in the USA. With Francetto, they snagged a respectable 9th place among the most talented 4-year-olds, while her work with Franeur earned them a solid 5th place among all 6-year-old dressage horses in the nation.

Concluding the list of remarkable achievements  our rockstar Helgstrand rider, Codi Harrison, and her partner in crime, Katholt’s Bossco. Ride after ride, they wowed the crowd, earning themselves a very impressive gold medal and the prestigious title of U.S. Grand Prix Champions 2023.

Hats off to every rider, owner, and horse – you guys rocked it big time. At Helgstrand, we're beyond proud of the great success that our Helgstrand riders and their four-legged stars achieved. Here's to an exciting future ahead, filled with even more bright moments!